Cloud Providers and their Key Services – A Comparative Dashboard

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Cloud services have become an inevitable topic in the roadmap of organizations. In the past few years, many companies have migrated their platforms from on-premises to cloud services. As cloud services are becoming more popular, we can also see many cloud services being released in the market, and there exists healthy competition between cloud providers. As a result, cloud computing models like HYBRID CLOUD and MULTI-CLOUD gaining importance.

At the same time, it is always a challenge for an architect to decide between cloud providers and cloud services. We might have come across any of the situations listed below:

  1. On-premises to cloud service migration
  2. One cloud to another cloud migrations
  3. Replacing one cloud service with the other service

Every company have their own justification for cloud migrations.

Below dashboard is built to help the architects and provide them with some guidance of key services available in the market under the top 3 cloud services: AWS, GCP and Azure.


Note: This is not a complete list of the products available in Azure, GCP and AWS,

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